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Monday, August 30, 2010

Welcome Message

Brothers of VACAPAF

Between now and the District elections in February 2011,  many brothers running for district wide office will be asking you and your chapter for your vote. Most of the time their request for your support will be based on nothing more than a handshake, a smile and a pat on the back. While this approach is traditional in politics, I believe our brotherhood faces too many challenges for Delegates to base their vote on nothing more than a friendly request. Serious times demand that brothers make serious decisions about which candidate is best qualified to lead our District, and I intend to provide you with the information necessary to make a wise decision.

Sean L. Bates
Candidate for 1st Vice-President


Fred Scott said...

Brother Bates is an excellent candidate for 1st Vice-President of VACAPAF. He has the experience and leadership skills to serve in this position. Our district would be proud to have Brother Bates in the position of 1st Vice-President.

Juandiego Wade said...

VACAPAF is fortunate that you have thrown your hat in the ring for 1st Vice President. I have been a member of this great fraternity since Nov 21, 1987(E Pi) and cannot think of a more qualified person than Sean to fill this position. I am a life member and active in the GAL Chapter. I have personally seen Sean uphold the mission and goals of this frat fraternity. I have worked with Sean in various frat functions for the past six years. He has never failed to fulfill a commitment. He has taken leadership a major leadership role in the GAL and JMU and WL. Sean was responsible for the entire registration process when the VACAPAF State Conference was held in Charlottesville. We were told by brothers that it was very user-friendly. Sean has also made great efforts to get JMU alumnae to assist with the undergraduate chapter. He spearheaded fundraising for the GAL and area under grad chapters at UVA football games. I could go on and on. Sean always steps up to the plate and do what has to be done and it is done correctly and in a professional manner. I will be supporting Sean and I hope you will as well.